This section is dedicated to international training courses in English on topics such as leadership and smart working. A nice opportunity to practice and increase one's language skills and a specific focus on the topic of inclusiveness concerning some of our training proposals.

SMART WORKING – This course aims at presenting a general overview of the essential elements of "smart working" through short explanatory videos that will allow you to have a global view on the subject. The training course is composed of 8 lessons. Each one will be "unblocked" after completing the previous (e.g., after viewing the first video, the second one will be available, and so on). At the end of each lesson, you will find a self-assessment question on the topic, so to better focus on the subject. The feedback is immediate and will not affect the continuation of the course. Trying is the important thing!
We are sure that at the end of this course, the topic of smart working will be clearer for everyone.

LEADERSHIP, COMMUNICATION AND CHARISMA - You are not born being a leader, you become one. The Leadership, communication and charisma course aims to be a comprehensive and practical guide to the various components of leadership, in order to develop the skills needed to actively gain control in social and work contexts.
The course is curated by Prof. Agostino La Bella, Full professor of Engineering management and is divided into 12 videos plus an introductory one. In this section, you will find the first 6 lessons.