This section contains internal and external training courses, selected as per requests and needs of the staff. Their main goal is to acquire skills useful for work or ongoing professional growth, in the perspective of lifelong learning. Most of the courses in this area are open to everyone and have no time limit, while others are specific for certain staff categories. These courses are activated cyclically throughout the year and must be booked in advanced.

CORSI DI LINGUA INGLESE E FRANCESE - Un nuovo ciclo di corsi di lingua inglese e francese, organizzati in collaborazione con il Centro Linguistico di Ateneo con lo scopo di fornire ai partecipanti competenze linguistiche  secondo i vari livelli previsti dal "Quadro Comune Europeo di riferimento per le lingue" (QCER).

PREVENZIONE VIOLENZA DI GENEREAteneo senza violenza: percorsi formativi interdisciplinari contro la violenza di genere - Il corso intende sensibilizzare il personale TAB del nostro Ateneo sul poliedrico fenomeno della violenza di genere, attraverso chiavi di lettura interdisciplinari e mira a fornire strumenti concreti al contrasto alla violenza, promuovendo una cultura di rispetto e uguaglianza. Un percorso articolato in cinque incontri durante i quali verranno analizzati alcuni dei principali aspetti che connotano il fenomeno della violenza di genere: stereotipi linguistici e culturali, atteggiamenti sessisti, campanelli di allarme e segnali internazionali, comportamenti coercitivi e le diverse forme di violenza.

2024-25 - Valore PA - Anche per l’anno 2024-2025 sarà possibile partecipare a corsi di formazione finanziati dall’INPS su diverse aree tematiche relative al comparto amministrativo. I corsi, riservati al Personale TAB, saranno attivati all'inizio del nuovo anno, in base al calendario predefinito dagli enti erogatori, che verrà comunicato a tutti gli iscritti. Le domande di partecipazione devono essere inviate entro e non oltre l'6 Ottobre 2024.

ASVIS 2020 - In September 2015, the governments of the 193 UN member countries signed a joint action plan for the achievement of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. To facilitate knowledge and sharing of the 2030 Agenda, ASVIS has created this course aimed at all university communities and beyond. It is a great opportunity that allows us to play an active role in the Sustainable Development process.

ONLINE COMMUNICATION - This short course is about communication as told from different points of view and perspectives. You will find some video pills and the slides used for presenting the topic and, above all, a forum for discussion. Enjoy watching, reading and discussing!!
Lecturer: Prof. Andrea Volterrani
The course is open to everyone and has no time limits.

EXECUTIVE GATE – It comes from an idea of Prof. Agostino La Bella, then Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, who was motivated by his belief in an open web, as a philosophy of openness and sharing. In this space, you will find how to access the educational platform, where you will be able to register by entering your name, surname, city of origin and e-mail address. A confirmation email will arrive in no time with all the instructions to follow. Access to the platform and courses is open to everyone and has no time limits.

EASY - A space entirely dedicated to video courses on the use of the Easy and Easy Web application: personal data, balance sheet, incomes, payments, electronic invoices, credit notes, stock and much, much more. An opportunity for those who already use the programme, to explore the various application areas, and a good chance for those who do not know it to introduce themselves to the world of administration and accounting. The course is open to everyone and has no time limits.

TEAMS - During the smart working period, we have all discovered or rediscovered this precious digital tool that can transfer our small company office to the network. Within this space, you will find a guide and a complete training course on Microsoft Teams, from requesting an account to installation, configuration, and use of the most common functions of the Microsoft application. The course is open to everyone and has no time limits.